Because your safety is our priority.
We operate according to the strictest safety procedures, not only applying rigourous maintenance plans, but also paying constant attention to the selection and initial and continuous training of our personnel.
100% of our driving staff participate in the preliminary assessment protocol before following the initial training process during which theoretical knowledge is verified and an 8-hour practical driving test is carried out.
Drivers are constantly evaluated at regular frequencies as well as at exceptional milestones. These evaluations relate to the quality of driving and the behavior of the driver. Each driver undergoes refresher training once a year.
2022 Results:
- 100% of drivers successfully completed a refresher training course in 2022..
Evaluations are conducted by specially trained inspectors and safety technicians, who then define the necessary actions to address any identified gaps.
Additionally, we are committed to regularly organizing training and safety awareness sessions for our driving, operations, and vehicle maintenance staff, delivered by specialized safety technicians.
2022 Results:
- Throughout the year, daily awareness sessions were organized for all driving and maintenance staff, in addition to each receiving at least one formal training session during the year.
Our objective is for customers to feel safe while traveling, particularly regarding the driving quality of our drivers. To this end, we aim to maintain a score above 7 and no lower than 6, on a scale of 0 to 10, in customer perceptions of safe driving, except under exceptional circumstances such as natural disasters, infrastructure changes, contract modifications, or any other extraordinary situation impacting the normal delivery of service as initially defined.
2022 Results:
- Customer satisfaction level regarding safe driving: 7.7
Furthermore, our services will be evaluated annually by an accredited external entity to ensure their alignment and compliance with international safety standards, such as the UNE ISO 39001 standard for road traffic safety management and the UNE 22320 standard for emergency management.
2022 Results:
- ISO 39001 and ISO 22320 certifications maintained
In 2022, we launched the IRU RoadMasters program as part of our commitment to international standards for professional driving. This program aims to optimize the skills of our professional drivers and reduce operational risks.
2022 Results:
- 100% of drivers completed the training
- 83% of drivers certified under the IRU RoadMasters program